Pet Health

Ensuring that your pet is well cared for throughout all the stages of life is a critical part of our mission and core values at Strawbridge Animal Care. Pets age faster than people, making it important that a thorough wellness exam is performed regularly. We should see your pet at least twice a year for a semi-annual physical. Early disease detection and regular wellness care that begins early in your pet’s life will help to ensure a long and happy life. Because one dog year equals about seven human years, we need to see your pet twice a year to keep up with the aging process.

When you come in for your exam, our doctors will spend time carefully examining every aspect of your pet’s health. The doctor will watch your pet move around, checking for neurological or musculoskeletal problems. We check your pet’s vitals, including heart, lungs, and blood pressure to identify any potential early signs of trouble. Our doctors evaluate your pet’s vision. A survey of the skin is done to look for signs of parasites, itching, or unusual lumps. We feel his or her belly to check organ sizes and shapes and also look at your pet’s teeth and oral cavity to determine dental health and cleanliness. Our certified nutritionist will talk with you about managing your pet’s weight as they mature and change. We’ll provide an approved vaccine protocol and schedule to help you manage for better help all through the upcoming year. Recommended procedures, such as dental cleanings or diagnostic testing may also be discussed at your exam. It’s all part of keeping your pet healthy and extending the quality and length of his or her life.

Puppy & Kitten Care

This is the stage when they are liveliest and cutest, and most people find this time of life to be the most exciting. It’s a great time to establish a life-long relationship with your new pet.

Pet Vaccinations

The American Animal Hospital Association’s (AAHA) Canine Vaccine Guidelines remind us that not all pets are alike. That’s why vaccine selections need to be individualized, with due consideration for factors such as age, health status, geographic area, travel, and exposure risks.

Pet Wellness

Wellness exams give a complete picture of your pet’s health and are useful in detecting diseases and other health problems in the early stages—before they become more difficult and more expensive, to treat.

Senior Pet Care

Good senior care begins with regular examinations that can help spot problems before they become serious. Regular examinations are very important to ensure your pet’s good health.


Answers to your most frequent questions about your pet.